California Safety Codes

California Health & Safety Code ss. 115725-115750

Head impacts with GMAX > 200 or HIC > 1000 are expected to result in a life threatening head injury.

To Whom does it apply? Public access playgrounds - state agencies, city, county, school district.
Includes, church, subdivision, hotel, motel, resort, Camp, office, hospital, shopping center, day care and restaurant.

What is Covered? Playground design, installation, inspection, maintenance and training.

What is a Playground? Play equipment, surfacing, fencing, signs, internal pathways, internal landforms, vegetation and related structures.

Compliance to what? CPSC document 325. Nov 94 for playgrounds installed 1/1/94 to 31/12/99
CPSC document 325 for playgrounds installed after 1/1/2000

CPSC 325/97 ss. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Require the surface be tested to the ASTM F1292

ASTM F 1487
section 9.1.1 There shall be a use zone for each play structure which shall consist of obstacle-free surfacing that conforms to Specifications F1292 appropriate for the fall height of the equipment.

ASTM F1487
section 11.2.2 The owner/operator shall install protective surfacing within the use zone of each play structure in accordance with Specification F1292 appropriate for the fall height of each structure.

ASTM F1487
section 13.2.1 The owner/operator shall maintain the protective surfacing within the use zone of each play structure in accordance with Specification F1292 appropriate for the fall height of each structure.

Requirement: Inspect all playgrounds to CPSC prior to October 1, 2000. HAVE YOU?

Failure to Comply: No State funds for planning, development, or redevelopment.
No state funds for operation, maintenance or supervision.

Problem: Is the State negligent or have liability when there is an injury on a playground that does not comply with CPSC 325?

Is the NPSI inspector negligent or have liability when there is an injury on a playground that does not comply with CPSC 325?

Is NPSI negligent or have liability for not training its inspectors in the field-testing of playground surfaces when there is an injury on a playground that does not comply with CPSC 325?


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