About ABC Playground Safety

Playground Services:

  • Audit of Playground Equipment
  • Playground Surface Testing
  • ADA Accessibility Testing
  • Development of Maintenance Programs
  • Instruction on Playground issues
"Unfortunately, more than 200,000 children are treated in U.S. hospital emergency rooms each year for injuries associated with playground equipment. Most injuries occur when children fall from the equipment onto the ground."

-Ann Brown, Chairman, U.S. Consumer Product and Safety Commission

This is why ABC Playground Safety has purchased, and staff has been trained with, an ASTM F1292-99 Standards Committee approved Free Fall Surface Testing System. This system allows ABC Playground Safety to examine your surfacing on site to detect whether it complies with ASTM F1292-99. A point of clarification: the ASTM1487-01 provides more detailed information on Fall Height measurements than the CPSC handbook, therefore ABC Playground Safety uses the ASTM document to identify fall Heights. The ASTM F1292-99 Section 13.2.1 states that the auditor should "Carry for the impact tests at the drop height specified by the owner/operator." If you do not supply a drop height, ABC Playground Safety will test the highest fall heights from the tallest piece of equipment's use zone per type of surfacing (one per site). The below stated price is for sites with three or less surfacing types (i.e. poured-in-place, rubber tiles, sand or wood chips). Each "drop" consists of three head from drops in three different areas.

Playground Services

All services involving playgrounds incorporate the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM).


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